
Spring Sign Maintenance – A Helpful Checklist

April 17, 2024

Winters in Canada can be rough on signs and sign maintenance crews alike! If things fall into disrepair, the weather can make it difficult to maintain outdoor signs and repair teams may have to wait until Spring. Using ladders or bringing a bucket truck to a site can be dangerous for maintenance crews during the coldest months of the year, which means you may not know what needs fixing until the warmer weather arrives. Regular maintenance is always a smart investment, it is the best way to get the most out of your outdoor signage, but it is not always feasible on tight budgets. If you haven’t initiated a strategy for regular maintenance, it is a wise investment to start this Spring. Oftentimes, ignoring the damage of your signage leads to larger issues and can cost your more in the long run. At SpeedPro Signs Brampton, our motto is “A Sign should MAKE you money, not COST you money.” Potential customers may walk past your store or business if your sign looks worn out, costing you lost revenue. Your signage should reflect your brand integrity and if it falls into disrepair, potential customers may question your products and decide it is a reflection of you and your business.

At SpeedPro Signs Brampton, we know that our customers always want to put their best face forward, that is why we offer creative, custom and affordable solutions for every business, from sole-proprietors to large corporations. So, whether you are a small family-owned business, a franchise with several locations, or a multi-million dollar business, our team of experts can assist you to meet your needs.

Spring maintenance is crucial for ensuring that your signage remains effective and portrays your business to new and existing customers in the best way. We have provided a checklist to guide you, either on your own or with your signage provider and/or repairer.

  • Bird and Insect Nests: Remove any existing nests or indications of new ones. Birds and wasps especially, tend to build their nests in sheltered areas. Outdoor signage above a building entrance or a pylon sign are ideal locations for such nests, they offer seclusion. While most nests are not built over the winter, there could be remnants of nests left over from the previous year or new ones under construction. It is best to remove them in the Spring before they become full-size.
  • Branding: Ensure your signage reflects your current branding and business focus. If you have updated your logo or added to your business, your sign should reflect the most up-to-date information.
  • Cleanliness: Over the winter months, signs can get quite dirty with salt and mud, just as you would spring clean your windows, performing a thorough cleaning of your signs is essential to showcasing the quality of your products to potential customers.
  • Condition: Winter winds can cause corrosion, cracks and frayed wires, not only are these unsightly, they can pose potential harm to passerby’s. Inspect for any damage and make sure any broken are loose fittings are dealt with as soon as possible.
  • Directories: Many businesses list a directory of tenants on outdoor signs or lobby directories, Spring is a great time to update any changes to tenants over the past few months. On a larger scale, many shopping centres and malls display stores and restaurants on pylon or monument signs, now is a great time to update any changes.
  • Foliage: Trim overgrown foliage that may obscure your signage. In winter months, overgrowth may not be noticeable, but as leaves and greenery return in the Spring, they may cover your sign and defeat it’s purpose.
  • Layouts or Pathways: Update directional signage to reflect any changes in your building or grounds. Even something as simple as replacing delivery entrance signs or wayfinding signs can improve your impression on your customers.
  • Lighting: While current LEDs (light-emitting diodes) don’t tend to burnout easily, older illumination sources are more prone to frequent burnout. Be sure to check your signage at night as many lighting problems may not be visible during the day.
  • Opportunities: Look for new ways to identify or promote your business, temporary signs like banners and A-Frame signs are a cost-effective way to identify your company and what you offer. Vehicle graphics are another great opportunity to advertise your business outside of the parameters of your business location, they offer on-the-move promotions, attracting customers from anywhere your vehicle travels.
  • Visibility: Ensure that your signs are easily seen by your target audience, often, your neighbours signs, buildings or even trees can create obstacles and can obscure the visibility of your signage.

Regular sign maintenance is paramount to maintaining the professionalism and effectiveness of your business. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense, it is a smart investment and will prevent more costly repairs in the future. If you need assistance with spring sign maintenance or are looking for custom sign or graphic options, consider reaching out to our team of experienced pros at SpeedPro Signs Brampton for custom, affordable solutions. Contact us today!

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