
Maximizing Visibility: Strategies For Custom-Printed Banners

Maximizing Visibility: Strategies for Custom Printed Banners
July 4, 2024

A custom-printed banner can help your business reach its target audience, and the team here at SpeedPro Oshawa has been designing and manufacturing custom banners for years. We want to teach you what we’ve learned about strategic placement for banners, how to make your banners pop, and how to reach your target demographic. Let’s dive in: 

Determining the Best Locations

Identify High Foot Traffic Areas

The first step to positioning your banner is finding a location where people will actually see it. Businesses will frequently place banners at the front of their stores but parking lots and sidewalks generally see a lot of foot traffic and vehicle traffic, too. You can also consider placing your banner close to bus stops, near the entrances of a mall where your store is located, or close to coffee shops, public parks, and other areas where people gather.


There’s a balance you want to strike—the high-traffic areas where you place your banner should be within walking distance of your business. 

Legal Considerations for Banners Displayed in Public

To avoid legal disputes, hanging banners on your own property is best. When opting to hang banners in public, be sure to get permission from the property owners, and obtain any necessary permits from the City of Oshawa (or whichever municipality you’re in). Following local regulations can help ensure your banner will stay up for longer. 

Understand Your Demographic

Every element of your banner—from banner placement to design—should be formulated with your target audience in mind. A banner placed in an area with a lot of foot traffic from people aged 18-25 won’t generate a lot of leads if your demographic is people aged 55+.


In the same vein, it’s important to invest in market research to understand your demographic better. Our team will help you design a beautiful, eye-catching, high-quality banner—but we don’t know your customers like you do. Taking the time to learn about the images and messages your potential customers find the most compelling can give you valuable insights and help your banner make a lasting impression. 

Optimize Design for Impact

Vibrant colours, high contrast, and bold lettering can all help give your banner maximum visibility. Ideally, you’ll be able to tell us about the locations where you’ll be placing banners. With that information, we’ll be able to assess how far most traffic will be from your banner, and what size the images and calls to action should be to be easily recognizable and legible.

Invest in High-Quality Materials

High-quality materials are important for any banner; they improve durability and help the colours and images on your banner pop. Using high-quality materials is especially important for outdoor banners, which can be exposed to inclement weather. The team at SpeedPro Oshawa always uses high-quality materials for banners, whether they’re used for indoor or outdoor advertising. 

Measure Engagement and Adjust As Needed

Before your banners go up, be sure to have systems in place to track audience engagement. Ask your customers how they found out about your business; if it was from a banner, be sure to find out where and when they saw the banner. Where possible, ask them what they liked about the banner, and what could be improved.


With that data in mind, switch up the banner locations and/or design. Effective banner placement is part science, part art—the more data you get, the more effective your banners will be. 

Trust the Experienced Pros at SpeedPro Oshawa for Your Next Banner

The team at SpeedPro Oshawa has years of experience designing and manufacturing banners to boost brand visibility and create a lasting impression on potential customers. 

We have a wide variety of banners and banner stands in Oshawa available for businesses of all sizes. We’ll custom design and manufacture banners for your business; get in touch with us today!

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