
Ideas For Wall & Window Displays In Retail Environments

Ideas For Wall & Window Displays In Retail Environments
August 12, 2024

Strolling among shops is an exciting and exhilarating activity for shoppers worldwide. But among closely-knit stores comes a lot of competition in the retail space—I’m sure you’ve had times when you feel time-pressured while shopping and can’t get to all the retail stores. At this point, we, as humans, will generally spend our time visiting the retail businesses that impress us the most from the curb.


That’s where the power of a fantastically designed entire window storefront comes in. And we’ve got good news for you. Our team members at SpeedPro Oshawa are experts in designing the most striking retail window displays. This guide collates the most creative ways to utilize wall displays and window film in retail environments. Let’s dive in:  

Start With A Story Or A Theme

Your first step is to always build a retail window display with a story or theme in mind. When choosing this, ensure it accurately reflects your brand’s core message and identity. Your display should depict the theme without much effort because shoppers look at storefronts for only seconds before deciding to go in or walk away.


You can also change your retail window display to be more relevant to a time of year, for example, Christmas. This shows that your brand is relevant and keeps its display top-of-mind.

Make Use Of Modern Technology

Another window display idea is to leverage modern technology, which is also an excellent way to keep people enticed by your window displays. Brands have begun using technology to influence potential purchasers as they walk by. Here are a few tech ideas to implement in your retail display:

AR: Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, more often referred to as “AR,” is a technology designed to enhance real-world environments and objects by overlaying virtual objects on them. With AR, you can allow shoppers to try on products, such as jewellery or hats virtually. It’s a very intelligent way of getting people to interact with your store from the window.

QR Codes For Promotions

Most of us are familiar with the famous black and white pixelated squares, more commonly known as QR codes. Quick response codes are helpful with window displays because they allow shoppers to use their smartphone to scan the code, and in seconds, they’re in the brand’s virtual environment. QR codes are often used to send purchasers to the brand’s website, to subscribe to emails or SMSs, or even directly to product pages. As you can imagine, this opens a world of possibilities as it guarantees your brand’s information on a potential shopper’s mobile phone. And the chance of them revisiting your website is high.

Embedded Touchscreens

Touchscreens have a simple strategy: Get shoppers closer to the open window displays. If you have a touchscreen placed in your front or corner window displays, easily accessible to shoppers, they can learn more about your brand and what it offers without going directly into the store and asking a staff member. If you use a touchscreen on your window display, consider offering a coupon in exchange for them subscribing to your newsletter. This type of strategy could entice them to go into your store. But if they don’t, you know you’ve already received their contact information for future communication. It’s a win-win situation!

Incorporate Interactive Components

With the birth of interactive technology, we tend to gravitate toward a display window that provides a wholesome experience with the brand. As discussed previously, you can add interactive components such as QR codes and touchscreens to your window display to draw customers in. In addition, your retail store can also do activities like prompt shoppers to download your app at your window display to receive instant discounts on merchandise. You can also ask for a buyer’s contact details so that they may enter a competition for a grand prize. The sky’s the limit with interactive retail window display components—it’s up to you to choose which elements of your brand you’d like to focus on.

Use Eye-Catching, Bold Graphics

Today’s last tip for creating imaginative and enticing retail window displays is all about being bold. However, boldness does not necessarily mean adding so many elements that it makes the window display look busy. Instead, have a bold graphic as the central point of your wall or window display, and bring those to life with natural light, bold colouring, and captivating retail props. These components should tell your brand’s story or theme in one fell swoop, enticing your target audience.


Once your retail window display is complete, always take some time to stand back and look at the end result. Get staff opinions and tweak the window display design as needed. Remember, the main goal is to make your effective window display depict your brand identity in the best way possible.

Contact SpeedPro Oshawa To Learn How We Can Help With Your Next Campaign

Now that you’ve seen some inspiring ideas for how to create retail window displays, are you ready to get started with yours? Our team members at SpeedPro Oshawa are pros at planning, designing, and executing creative retail window displays in Oshawa whenever you may need them.

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